Thank You 2020

Ezinne Clare
2 min readDec 31, 2020

Thank you for all the lessons throughout the year, well 7/12 of it.

We experienced one of the greatest emotional, mental not to mention, medical threats we ever thought we could express in our lives. It was a huge challenge and the lot alive till this 366th day can attest to the fact that we learnt through it, more than we thought we could handle, but we did.

You pushed us to the point of surrender to our mantra(s); whatever they may be. You pushed us to understand that truly, not all things on earth are under our control as much as we want to be the masters of ourselves. We now understand that we are but inhabitants on this earth. You have taught us to respect and love the place we live in for better existence.

We faced more challenges collectively as a unit of humanity than we’ve ever been able to. We have fought this pandemic, we have fought racism, we’ve fought against police brutality, we have fought against depression, we have fought against rape, we have fought against gender inequality, and most importantly we fought together. We checked on each other as family, as a community of the living and we really did get through all this together.

We also had time to get off our fast paced lives and really reconnect and feed our souls. We found new hobbies, new outlets, developed plans for our future, invested time in our passions and generally became productive in fields that our outside our academic degrees. It was tough, tougher for some and you tested our strengths to make us stronger.

We are definitely entering the next decade stronger! Thank you 2020!



Ezinne Clare

Writer, student doctor, Nigerian. Loves to write poetry and express ideologies for change.